2020 Product Updates

1.1.3 (Oct 03, 2020)

Peter Wen
Peter Wen


More ways to get your data in and out of Tallyfor.

Prepare and streamline your accounting data into Intuit or CCH Tax Products.

  • Manually add New Client. (#315)

  • Export Data - Create CCH Axcess consumable import file. (#343)


We've made some UI changes to give you more space to work and make it easier to organize your Trial Balance.

  • Collapsible Ribbon - You can now hide the top ribbon, so you have more space to work on your trial balance.

  • The Journal Entry Pane and Trial Balance Pane have independent scroll.(#14)

  • Trial Balance Action Controls float (#346)
    The group button now floats. So if you scroll to the bottom of a long trial balance to select accounts, you can always access the actions.

Also we've launched our blog. Look for interesting articles "The connected tax professional"